Saturday, February 28, 2009

Candy Apparel

Candy Apparel is up and running! This is my new business I am running with my business partner Britney. There is a link on this to our blog with our info if you are interested in anything, or just curious what I am up to. I am doing dance, fitness, and teamwear. We do team orders, and individual orders- drill teams, cheerleaders, studios, whomever. We also do custom screen print with our graphic designer, as well as custom rhinestone work. Sounds pricy? It's not! We are currently running a team discount contest and referal program- check out our blog!

I am ready for Spring!

Kris helped Jayden build this snowman in one of the last snowstorms. It lasted about 2 days until some high school brats decapitated it. Mater would scream "Frosty's" dead every time we left and came home. I am so done with winter.

Christmas & Cancun pics

Our beach front condo at the Royal Sands in Cancun. Kris' parents are generous enough to take us every year for our Christmas present!
The kids could play on the beach all day!

The kids spent all day playing the water and digging for shells. Jayden loved swimming in the ocean with her daddy! Dylan is becoming quite the fish, and swam laps around the pool this year!

This is from Christmas. (L to R) My nieces Ava and Grace, and little Jayd. My sister got them Viewmont Cheer bears for Christmas with poms- they were darling!

Even Santa found Hercules! Even though he is a little naughty...

The kids and Kris on Christmas Eve. Jayden was so excited she got "Hannah Tana" pj's!

Christmas Eve up at Nonnie and Pop's (a.k.a., Kris' parents). She was so excited and begged me to take her picture, and she got a little close to the camera.

Friday, February 27, 2009

A letter from the loser

I officially suck at blogging. I have been so busy since before Christmas, that I just downloaded pictures a few days ago. As some of you shake your head at me, remember that I do have drill competition season during the holidays, so it's not that I am just a total blog loser. Ok, maybe both. Hopefully I will get caught up this weekend, post a few from overdue Christmas, our trip to Cancun, and a few random in between. Nothing fancy, but at least I will feel like I did something with the 300 pictures I took!