So, I was tagged forever ago, thanks to my sister-in-law Lisa. I had the best of a blogger's intentions to do it, but well, you know, I just didn't get quite around to it. So, catching up on the blogging, here it goes.
Answer the six "4" items on your blog
Post the rules on the blog
Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
4 things I did yesterday
*ran like hell through Target trying to figure out what the hell a Bakugan was, it was Dylan's birthday, and I was a little, well, unprepared to say the least.
*woke up looking like the Joker from the Dark Night, due to falling asleep in my makeup, and scared the hell out of my kids
*went to Costco, but I do that 5 out of 7 days a week, so that isn't anything unusual
*cleaned up pee from Hercules who got so excited when he saw my brother-in-law Jason, he peed on his leg and his shoe, then ran inside and peed on the floor.
4 things I look forward to
*vacations- I would go on vacation to Tooele right now, that's how much I need one!
*changing out of nice clothes and getting in my comfy sweats- ask Kris how much he LOVES this!
4 restaurants I like
*Ruth's Chris Steakhouse
*Paradise Bakery
*California Pizza Kitchen
4 things on my wish list
*a new car, the latest catastrophy has left me longing even more for a new vehicle, but I better just keep dreaming!
*an ipod that isn't full, apple is full of crap when they tell you the capacity!
*a size 2 butt- ha, really dream on!
*energy to get through the day
4 Favorite TV shows
*Grey's Anatomy
*So You Think You Can Dance
*Desperate Housewives
*Law & Order: SVU
4 People I tag
*Kim M. (since you think you are such a cool blogger!)
*Becky B.
*Meghan #2
*Brandi (you are overdue to post!)